Some microorganisms synthesize ferromagnetic crystals such as magnetite (Fe2O4) and greigite (Fe2S4) inside their cells in a highly controlled fashion. These crystals, known as magnetosomes, display several diagnostic characteristics, including chain-like arrangements within the cell. Chains of magnetosomes are typically held together by organic material. In the absence of this organic scaffold, chains of magnetic particles are energetically unstable and tend to collapse. No abiotic processes are known to produce similar chain structures. Hence, the presence in a sample of chains of magnetic minerals can be a signature of life.
Alignment of these magnetite crystals with the long-axis to the chain direction, and gaps between crystals, are favorable for a biotic orign. [Emmy Hughes] [General]
EnvironmentsAlignment of magnetite in the form of chains and linearly configured structures is physically prohibitive and tends towards indicating biotic origins. [Jameel Abbess] [General]
EnvironmentsStructure of and chemical compounds oriented to magnetite can dictate unlikely biogenicity when considering malformed chains and adjacent chemical compounds that are prohibitive to the formation of magnetite. [Jameel Abbess] [General]
EnvironmentsChains of biologically mediated magnetite are unlikely on earth, and especially on meteorites, to survive for billions of years. [Emmy Hughes] [General]
EnvironmentsCollapse of these structures into the more energetically favorable cluster form is very common, and much more so than the preservation of aligned chains.
Nano-crystal alignment is difficult to achieve abiotically given its energetic unfavourability. [Emmy Hughes] [General]
EnvironmentsThe magnetite crystals in ALH84001 are not aligned in chains, and therefore are likely formed abiotically. [Emmy Hughes] [General]
EnvironmentsThe alignment of nanocrystalline magnetite in chains would indicate production by magnetosomes; however, most if not all of the crystals in ALH84001, after a series of analyses, are demonstrated to not be aligned in chains at all.
Magnetite chains are likely misinterpreted abiotic semi-periodic structures. [Emmy Hughes]
[General] EnvironmentsAbiotic serrated grain edges, meaning irregular edges of grains which can suggest periodic or semi-periodic structures, can be mistaken for magnetite chains.